Monday, August 8, 2016

Transfer Cancelled

Well today was supposed to be "the day" but yesterday we received a call from the clinic that the embryos had not advanced enough to do a fresh transfer today. 2 were early blastocysts and one was still a morula.  I guess the "wonky" embryo that was still "in it" on day 3 didn't make it.

I was told that they would monitor them for another two days and if let me know Tuesday (tomorrow) the status. Essentially, if they make it to the right stage and after they are biopsied and assuming everything is normal, they will be frozen and we will do a FET (Frozen Embryo Transfer) down the line.

I wasn't really given much more information than that, so as you can imagine, my mind is spinning and I'm over-Googling.  Even though I knew this was a possibility and it's still not over, I was surprised how much it effected me--immediately started to cry.  (I'm not much of a crier.) Which is probably why I didn't ask more questions.  My husband afterwards started bombarding me with questions (and continues to) and I don't necessarily know the answer to all of them.

I haven't really been talking about the process with anyone, so it is frustrating to not have anyone to talk to about this now.  My husband and I have been going through this for almost 2 years and keeping it to ourselves and been fine and I haven't felt the need to talk with others.  But for some reason with this, I really wish I had someone to talk to.

Friday, August 5, 2016

Got The Call--Embryo Update

So I finally got the call from my clinic about how the embryos are progressing.  After nonstop texts from my husband all day ("Did they call yet?") and worrying the phone finally rang.  I don't think I realized how nervous I was until my entire insides seemed to drop as there was the brief small talk before getting to the results.

But the doctor told me it was good news (yay!) and that 4 out of 4 were viable! He did admit that one was a bit "wonky" and he expected it wouldn't make it to Day 5, but that it "wasn't out" just yet.  So 3 1/2 viable...I'll take that.  Certainly better percentage rates than some others I have seen online.

There was then the reminder that my next call would be on Sunday and that they would let me know how many, if any, were able to be biopsied (which is going to be done overnight) and that Monday morning I would be "on call" as if there are not any that were normal and good to implant I may be called and told to go home.

I know there's still a lot more waiting (isn't there a ton with infertility and TTC?!) but I am happy to have cleared this next step and to have a great outcome (for my few embryos) thus far!

Joys of Fertility Meds (TMI Share)

So as part of my protocol, I am taking Endometrin which is a progesterone vaginal suppository.  I have to insert it twice a day and generally do it at night before I go to bed and in the morning when I wake up and have some time to lie around afterwards.  I have read stories of women who have found it to be very messy and have lots of leakage. It hasn't been too bad for me, until today.... (Again TMI, so look away if you don't want to hear more.)

The recommendation is that you lie for about an hour after inserting the Endometrin to help prevent leakage, etc... and many women on the boards advocate for wearing pads and liners with Endometrin.  I have been following both.  This morning though I could only lie around for about 40 min before I had to get going and I skipped the panty liners.  Well actually I only have pads at home (ran out of liners) and have liners in my desk at work.  This week I have been wearing regular "panties" and putting the liner on when I get to work and wearing a pad at home.  Today I didn't want to wear panties (I prefer thongs and really don't have many regular underwear) and went with a thong.  When I got to work, I got busy for the first couple hours and forgot to put on a liner...until it felt like I was leaking through to my pants (luckily just the inside layer and no wet spots that are visible from the outside).  When I went to put on a liner, not only did I have the clear liquid leakage from the Endometrin but also had what looked like thick, white discharge but was likely the semi-dissolved tablet.  Basically ick!  Main lesson? (1) Always wear a liner while on Endometrin (which per the boards can be as long as 12 weeks of pregnancy) and (2) keep a pair of spare underwear on my while on Endometrin.

In other news, today I am supposed to have the RE call to tell me how the embryos are doing.  My husband keeps bugging me to ask if they've called and I keep torturing myself with thoughts of options.  Such as, what if all 4 didn't make it to day 3? I'm trying to stay positive and believe that all 4 will make it, but from what I can tell, 100% making it to day 3 or day 5 is very unusual.

Thursday, August 4, 2016

2 Days Post Retrieval

So it has been two days since I had my egg retrieval and I am still really sore.  It's like every step I take (or bump I hit in my car) is a big "bang" that shakes my insides and I feel pain.  I am very well aware of my entire abdomen. All I keep thinking is wow, if recovery from this bugs me this much, how will it feel to recover after giving birth!

Tomorrow we get an update on the status of our embryos and see how many advanced.  Here's hoping the numbers are good!

Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Update After Retrieval

Well I just got the call from my nurse.  Of the 6 eggs they collected, only 4 were mature but luckily all 4 fertilized.

I am still a bit discouraged when I read about people who had 20 and 30 eggs and I only had 6. Yet those tend to have a lot of drop off as far as mature, fertilized, etc..  I'm hoping I just have 4 solid eggs that will continue to develop to embryo and then blastocyst, but at this stage I just don't know. It's all waiting (but then again isn't everything with TTC & infertility?).

I get a call from my RE on Friday with an update on how they are progressing.