Friday, August 5, 2016

Joys of Fertility Meds (TMI Share)

So as part of my protocol, I am taking Endometrin which is a progesterone vaginal suppository.  I have to insert it twice a day and generally do it at night before I go to bed and in the morning when I wake up and have some time to lie around afterwards.  I have read stories of women who have found it to be very messy and have lots of leakage. It hasn't been too bad for me, until today.... (Again TMI, so look away if you don't want to hear more.)

The recommendation is that you lie for about an hour after inserting the Endometrin to help prevent leakage, etc... and many women on the boards advocate for wearing pads and liners with Endometrin.  I have been following both.  This morning though I could only lie around for about 40 min before I had to get going and I skipped the panty liners.  Well actually I only have pads at home (ran out of liners) and have liners in my desk at work.  This week I have been wearing regular "panties" and putting the liner on when I get to work and wearing a pad at home.  Today I didn't want to wear panties (I prefer thongs and really don't have many regular underwear) and went with a thong.  When I got to work, I got busy for the first couple hours and forgot to put on a liner...until it felt like I was leaking through to my pants (luckily just the inside layer and no wet spots that are visible from the outside).  When I went to put on a liner, not only did I have the clear liquid leakage from the Endometrin but also had what looked like thick, white discharge but was likely the semi-dissolved tablet.  Basically ick!  Main lesson? (1) Always wear a liner while on Endometrin (which per the boards can be as long as 12 weeks of pregnancy) and (2) keep a pair of spare underwear on my while on Endometrin.

In other news, today I am supposed to have the RE call to tell me how the embryos are doing.  My husband keeps bugging me to ask if they've called and I keep torturing myself with thoughts of options.  Such as, what if all 4 didn't make it to day 3? I'm trying to stay positive and believe that all 4 will make it, but from what I can tell, 100% making it to day 3 or day 5 is very unusual.

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