Monday, August 8, 2016

Transfer Cancelled

Well today was supposed to be "the day" but yesterday we received a call from the clinic that the embryos had not advanced enough to do a fresh transfer today. 2 were early blastocysts and one was still a morula.  I guess the "wonky" embryo that was still "in it" on day 3 didn't make it.

I was told that they would monitor them for another two days and if let me know Tuesday (tomorrow) the status. Essentially, if they make it to the right stage and after they are biopsied and assuming everything is normal, they will be frozen and we will do a FET (Frozen Embryo Transfer) down the line.

I wasn't really given much more information than that, so as you can imagine, my mind is spinning and I'm over-Googling.  Even though I knew this was a possibility and it's still not over, I was surprised how much it effected me--immediately started to cry.  (I'm not much of a crier.) Which is probably why I didn't ask more questions.  My husband afterwards started bombarding me with questions (and continues to) and I don't necessarily know the answer to all of them.

I haven't really been talking about the process with anyone, so it is frustrating to not have anyone to talk to about this now.  My husband and I have been going through this for almost 2 years and keeping it to ourselves and been fine and I haven't felt the need to talk with others.  But for some reason with this, I really wish I had someone to talk to.

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