Tuesday, July 26, 2016


Last night was my second night of injections.  Continues to go fine and the injection really is no big deal.  Don't need to use much pressure and doesn't really hurt (tiniest of pinches).  The only surprise is how easy it is and how much blood there is.  (Not a lot, but more than the dot I'd expect.  I want to be able to just blot with a tissue and move on, but I do need to use a band-aid, so of course straight to Amazon to get injection specific bandages.  I went with these ones because they were relatively cheap and I didn't need 500 that other brands offered.)

Since starting the injections, I have noticed slight twinges in my lower abdomen.  Whether it's actually my ovaries growing follicles or psychosomatic, who knows?  I have also been "blessed" with headaches each morning since starting injections.  I am a migraine sufferer and the only thing that helps is Excedrin or Rx meds, both no-no's once pregnant.  Yesterday morning I took one (instead of the regular 2) Excedrin pill to try to ward off the migraine I felt coming.  Then of course I did a bit of Googling and found you are not supposed to take Excedrin while stimming either.  Guess I should have searched first, but I'm not going to beat myself up about 1 pill early my first day of stimming when my RE never told me it was a no-no.  Excedrin is made up of 3 components: acetaminophen, aspirin and caffeine.  Acetaminophen is ok when stimming/pregnant, caffeine consumption should be limited but isn't totally off limits, and my protocol includes baby aspirin to encourage blood flow to my uterus.  So while I'll probably tough it out from here on out, I'm not going to beat myself up or think I may have "ruined" something. Live, learn, do better going forward.

Today I not only have a headache but am having serious problems concentrating at work, am super emotional (have broken down in tears and got overly frustrated with my brother about something).  I also am tired and just counting the minutes til I can go home.  While I must admit I am always tired, I woke up this morning feeling as though I slept well and was, for once, refreshed and not exhausted so you'd think I wouldn't be so exhausted.  Unfortunately, I've red fatigue is a side effect too.  (Or it could be the crying, crying always makes me tired.)

So that's today's journey, emotional, tired, and a bit of a mess. Hopefully this isn't a pattern that continues!

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